Thursday, July 30, 2009
it's more customizable and better. so umm yeah, follow me on there: WWW.JAWBREAKING.TUMBLR.COM
The past week has been the best week.
Well, basically, as if Warped Tour wasn't amazing enough. I saw The Cab and A Rocket To The Moon last night. And it was a really good show. Except for the fact that me and Aly Avina didn't bring all the JJ necklaces... I left them in my other bag at her house. So, we only had the ones we were wearing: the CA state one and the purple, blue and pearl swirly one with a heart and a bow... Great. So, after the show, we were looking for Nick Santino because well, we wanted to meet him and we also wanted him to get a picture with a JJ necklace. But we thought he went back in his van and we were like alright whatever, let's go find Alex DeLeon (of the Cab.) So, we went back inside the venue to look for him, and then I saw Nick and I was like ALY WAIT! Because she like completely walked past him. So, we waited for a bunch of girls to stop taking pictures with him, then we were like "Hey what state are you from!?" And he was like "Massachusetts" And we were like "Well do you wanna wear this California state necklace that I made because I have my own jewelry company and everything and it'd be great for some promotion!" And he was like "Yeah definitely!" So we took the picture and he was like "You probably want this back right?" And I was like "Oh no! You can keep it if you wear it all the time!" So he kept it. Then I asked him how much his cd was but I left my money in the car, so I was like tay here and I promise I'll buy it."

So, me and Aly ran back to the car to get the money, and went right back. And had another conversation with him. And I basically like further explained my jewelry business. And he was like "Oh that's really cool! You should really give them away to bands, we all wear necklaces!" Then he went on and grabbed the necklace I'm wearing in the picture above and was like "Did you make this too?" And I was like "Yeah but it's kinda girly and feminine" And he goes "No but it's still really cool that you do that! You should myspace message me or twitter me and I can hook you up" He was really nice and down to earth. Then we were looking for Alex DeLeon to take a picture with the girly necklace we had left. We found him and he was like "I'll hold it and support it, it's too girly for me! But I wish you all the best of luck!" Hahahah so here's his picture:
All in all, I had a really awesome night with Aly 2 :) In other news, I have plenty of vlogs I need to put up on youtube, and I need to send out a lot of orders! I'm focusing on that all weekend because I've been procrastinating quite a lot. You all should follow me on Twitter for exclusive sales: www.twitter.com/alysilverio
So, me and Aly ran back to the car to get the money, and went right back. And had another conversation with him. And I basically like further explained my jewelry business. And he was like "Oh that's really cool! You should really give them away to bands, we all wear necklaces!" Then he went on and grabbed the necklace I'm wearing in the picture above and was like "Did you make this too?" And I was like "Yeah but it's kinda girly and feminine" And he goes "No but it's still really cool that you do that! You should myspace message me or twitter me and I can hook you up" He was really nice and down to earth. Then we were looking for Alex DeLeon to take a picture with the girly necklace we had left. We found him and he was like "I'll hold it and support it, it's too girly for me! But I wish you all the best of luck!" Hahahah so here's his picture:
Saturday, July 25, 2009
THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LONGEST BLOG YET. I'm pretty sure I'm done with vacationing for the rest of the summer. I recently just went to Hawaii from the 10th-20th, well I got back late on the 21st. But it was a really fun trip. I ate 36 strawberry poptarts, not like packages, I ate 18 packages, equaling out to be 36 pastries. I'm almost certain I'm going to get diabetes just from that. It was over a course of 10 days! So, I'm cutting down on poptarts, not really. All in all, Hawaii was amazing and my dad's wedding was lots of fun too. Though, I only went to the beach like 3 times :( Whatever. Here's a picture of Uncle Jay, Auntie Apryll (really my cousins, I was lied to), me, Matt, Ate Jeanne and daddy!
So, I got home on the 21st. And I would have started working on jewelry again, but I literally had less than a day back home before I left for Charlotte for Warped Tour! So, right when I came home Tuesday night, Mary came over and we made flyers for JJ to pass out at Warped Tour. The next day we went shopping then I slept over at her house because Thursday was Warped Tour. We went to bed at like 2 or 3 and woke up at 6:47... We were supposed to wake up at 5:30 and leave to get Courtney at 7:15. Ha, we ended up leaving at like 9:15. So, we got to the venue and met up with some friends. As soon as we got the band lineup and schedule, we saw Hit The Lights first! But we only saw like half their set. We were all super excited for LIGHTS, and one of my best friends, Aly Avina's, mom just got us press/photo passes, so we can go in the photo pit to take pictures of bands! It was so awesome (Thanks again Mrs. A :D)
A lot of my favorite bands and meet and greets were overlapping and I had no idea what I wanted to do :/ I was pissed because The Maine and Forever The Sickest Kids were on at the same exact time. It was irritating, they were my two favorite bands. AND to top it all off, LIGHTS was doing her signing at the same time too. And I wanted to give her the piano necklace from JJ, cause you know, she plays the piano and keytar. I ended up giving the piano necklace for my friend Vasko to wear and show her. And she complimented Vasko's necklace before Vasko even got around to saying anything about it. Vasko was telling her that I made it and how I didn't get to her meet and greet because I went to see FTSK because they're like my favorite band blahblahblah. He tells her she could have the necklace and she was all "No! You are way too cute to not wear it" So she signed it and wrote me a letter below.
So, I meet up with Vasko near the LIGHTS tent, and he was like "I have something for you..." and it was the necklace, and I got sad that she gave it back and didn't want it. And Vasko was like "Look at the back" and he gave me the letter, and I was like AWWWWW. So, me and Mary went to her tent to thank her. While waiting on a hill to meet her, me and Mary were texting and keeping in touch with the people we were at Warped with so everyone could easily find each other. This guy comes up to us... "Sup texters!" And I was like Ugh some guy trying to sell CDs again. It ended up being Evan from Hotspur! I used to listen to them a lot last year. We listened to his CD and told us it was $5, and I was like why not, it's only $5. Then me and Mary turned the tables and were like "LET US ADVERTISE TO YOU NOW!" So we showed him my necklaces and he loved them all, and we gave him a flyer. We traded a CD for a mini bot necklace. He was so nice too! Below is a picture of me and him rockin some JJ.
This was all before I met LIGHTS. So, we finally get to her tent and I was like "My friend Vasko gave you this and I made it and everything.." and before I could finish she was like "THAT WAS YOUU?! AWWW! *Gives me hug*" She was the sweetest person ever. So, I was telling her that I wanted her to keep it and she's like "No no no! I already signed it, you have to keep it now. You're so talented, I'll definitely check out your site!" And she was just really nice and took a picture of her wearing it for my site :)
I also saw LIGHTS again because Mrs. Avina was doing interviews, so I got to sit in during the interviews for Alex and Rian of All Time Low, Aaron from Underoath and LIGHTS again. It was such a cool experience to see the whole interviewing process and I'm glad Mrs. Avina got the passes for us :) They got to interview ATL in the press trailers bathroom, it was a tight squeeze, Alex was sitting on the toilet and I was sitting in the sink. I wish I got a picture. Hahahah, because it's like people are all "OMFGZ I MET ATL AFTA THE SHOOOWWW!" I could have been like "Yeah. What now?! I was in a bathroom with him" Hahahahhaha kidding. But it'd be funny. And Aaron from Underoath was really nice too, then I saw LIGHTS and she was like "Hi again!!" So we got to interview her, and Vasko texted me asking to get him and autograph since he got me my necklace signed and the letter and errthang. So I was like "Can you sign this for my friend Vasko, he got those things signed for me while I was watching FTSK" and she's like "Yeahh! Sure, he was so cute!" So I got that signed for him. He's sad in the picture because he wants to be with her. hahahahaha. Oh Vasko.
Alright. I'm almost done. So, since a lot of meet and greets and sets were overlapping each other, I couldn't make it to all of them. So, I asked Aly Avina and Courtney to take the Millionaires necklaces I was supposed to send a really long time ago to their merch table to see if they were there. This is Aly and Courtney's story: They went to their merch table but the girls weren't there. So, they gave them to the merch guys and they LOVED them and thought they were the coolest things. And one of the guys wanted a NJ state necklace cause he saw Aly A. wearing her CA state one I made. I wasn't sure if they got the necklaces or not yet. So, we're on our way to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner, and I'm just on my iphone, social networking you know? So, I'm checkin my facebook, and tweeting, then I get to MySpace, reading my messages, then get to my comments and I get this comment below:
And I'm like HOLY CRAP. So, I go to it, and it's a picture of my necklace that Allison Green from Millionaires tweeted about. I was freaking out, because this girl who commented me like didn't even know that I made that, there's no evidence of it being JJ in the picture. She just assumed which was already cool enough, then Allison's tweeting about it. See, the thing is, I saw the Millionaires at the brewery in February, and I made them those necklaces as a gift/endorsement pictures you know what I mean? And Allison was m.i.a. while they were meeting fans, so I just met Melissa and Dani. I was telling the 2 that I made them really cool necklaces cause I have my own business and errthang. And they were all "Ohh send it to us!" I never did hahaha. I figured it'd be easier to give it to them at Warped Tour! And yeah. So this is what Allison tweeted:
We ended the night off with a good meal at Ruby Tuesdays and our waiter was so awesome and brought Courtney a bowl of ketcup, because the little tiny one just wasn't enough. Literally. Bowl. Of. Ketchup. So, we called it a night and went to our hotel and just fell asleep immediately. This marks the end of the longest blog ever... and nobody is going to read it. Except Mary. LOVE YA NB! DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT ;)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
as of yesterday...
Jawbreaking Jewelry was in business for a whole entire year! Craaaaaazy. So, happy birthday/anniversary to me/JJ. Ah, too many slashes. ANYHOO. I'm gonna get cheesy again... but thank you, thank you, a million times, thank you for all of you guys' support and shopping at JJ from the very beginning, you guys are awesome. And JJ wouldn't be what it is today without any of you! I'll keep it short and simple, Thank you.
In honor of the event, I'll be holding a sale that will last until July 5th, 2009! RECEIVE 25% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER!! That's a good chunk of $$$ cut from the total :O Simply shop and enter the code "HAPPYBIRTHDAY" at checkout to receive your 25% off. Also, the winner for the JJ aniversary/contest video was chosen, view the video below to see who won! (ignore what I say about the sale in it, I change my mind too much haha)
So yeah. It's 1:37am and I'm going to the beach for the day with Lindsey tomorrow. Thank god, I need a break. But I'm still up and we're leaving at like 8 or 9. Ughuguhguhguhguhghh. Lovely. And oh my god, someone please buy me some KFC or Bojangles. I've been craving it all week. And I'm also going through a poptart withdrawal. I hope you guys enjoy me complaining about what I want to eat.
ps. don't forget to shop while the sales going on!
pps. OH MY GOD! I forgot to mention, Kevin Jonas is engaged?! Like whaaaaaat? Daawwww. well, whatever, I think it's cute... young love! Hahaha, it was like "KEVIN JONAS" trending twitter topic. But him and his girl are adorableee! Kinda creepy, I just wanted to see what she looked like, but aww look! So cute!

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