Thursday, May 14, 2009

No more complicating blogging for me!

At first, I started blogging on my websites html thing, but there was just way too much coding to go through and yadda yadda. So, here I am... On blogspot? GUESS WHAT! I'm going to be selling Jawbreaking t-shirts! They are printed on American Apparel ® Jersey V-Necks. Sizes available are XS-XL. This is a preorder, but they will be ordered next week probably! It's a simple design printed on what is, in my opinion, the greatest t-shirt brand ever! And they're v-necks, I mean really? Can you say no?

So, if you are a previous Jawbreaking customer or if you are a fan of Jawbreaking... you def gotta get this shirt! To the right is like a test view? The shirt's words will not look so computerized, just for the record. Oh, and shirts are $25! Oh and if you buy one, and one other item, you are eligible for that free donut phone charm on FREE FRIDAY! What is FREE FRIDAY you ask? Keep reading... Oh, but how spectacular is that?

ANYWAYS! Tomorrow is FREE FRIDAY, and on this FREE FRIDAY, when you spend $30 or more (subtotal) you will receive a FREE donut cellphone charm! That was a lot of capitilzation... but yeah! This will happen every Friday, with a different, small free item each time! So, be sure to order tomorrow! Woooooooooo.

Well, I guess I'll "blog" later.

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